Course Offerings

  • French 1, 2, 3, Honors 4
  • Spanish 1, 2, 3, Honors 4
  • Benilde Spanish 1, 2
  • Heritage Spanish 1, 2
  • Latin 1, 2, 3, Honors 4
  • AP Latin
  • AP French Language and Culture
  • AP Spanish Language and Culture
  • Honors Readings in Spanish

Extracurricular Opportunities


National Honor Societies

Outstanding students may be nominated for and inducted into the French, Latin, or Spanish honor societies. Many of these students then serve as peer tutors for underclassmen. These honor societies also offer the opportunity to earn college scholarships.

Language Clubs

All are welcome to join St. John’s language clubs, where students from every class level gather for service, educational activities, cultural celebrations, and the sampling of international foods.

Spring Break Trips

The Modern and Classical Languages Department sponsors international spring break trips, designed to allow students to perfect their language skills and experience Spanish, French, or Greco-Roman culture. All St. John’s students may join these trips, capacity permitting.

Service Opportunities

Advanced language students have opportunities to serve others using their second language. Some join the Amigos de las Americas program, volunteering up to eight weeks of their summer break to perform service projects in Spanish-speaking countries. Others use their language skills to volunteer with local parishes and other community centers.


The language department has close ties with Lasallian schools in France and Mexico. These partner schools share our mission and grant us a greater awareness of the worldwide Lasallian network of which we are so grateful to be a small part. Our goal for these cultural exchanges (as well as our study abroad trips) is that our students return home from these trips abroad inspired, confident, and more connected to the world around them. We hope they grow in their understanding of servant leadership and deepen their appreciation of multicultural collaboration, understanding, and empathy.