It is St. John's long-term goal to make Christian Service Immersion Program trips available to the entire student body, thereby giving every student the opportunity to attend at least once during their time here. 


St. John’s strives to have no financial barrier come between students and their ability to experience a service immersion trip. Ideally, each student will earn or raise the requisite $500. This fee does not reflect the total expense involved.*

The overall cost of the trips is far greater than the expected contribution of the students. This means St. John’s must raise the necessary funds from other sources. One of the ways funds are raised for these trips are tax-deductible gifts to the Lasallian Christian Service Fund from families within the school who have the means. All gifts directed in this manner will be applied to defray the costs of these trips. If you would like more information, or you would like to contribute to the Lasallian Christian Service Fund, please click here.

*Limited need-based financial aid is available for students who qualify.