Vocal Resonance Performs at Carnegie Hall
Performing Arts

On March 26, St. John’s Vocal Resonance (students in the SJC’s Advanced Vocal Studies choir) performed at Carnegie Hall.

As the result of their outstanding scores from the Spring 2022 WorldStrides Orlando Festival, SJC’s Vocal Resonance earned an invitation to perform with the National Youth Choir at the WorldStrides New York Heritage Festival. 

Under the direction of Dr. Lynne Gackle, Director of Choral Activities at Baylor University, the National Youth Choir performed six arrangements including the German piece “Ziguenerleben,” featuring Adalyn Breitenbach '24 and Sophia Zanger '23 as featured soloists. 

  AVS students  had the following to say about the experience:

Carnegie Hall was absolutely the coolest place ever to sing, and I felt proud of the work we did to let us have such an awesome experience.

 Getting to sing in a huge group like that was honestly really incredible.

 It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.

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